Act Now believes that the program areas listed below represent the most important basic needs that must be addressed in a community to relieve childhood deprivation.They also form the basis of the criteria that Act Now uses to evaluate potential partners and projects.
See our Current Missions for some recent examples of Act Now's projects and activities corresponding to these program areas.
According to UNICEF, 270 million children, or just over 14 percent of all children in developing countries, have no access to health-care services. On average, a child from the poorest 20 percent of the population in a developing country is at least twice as likely to die before the age of five as a child from the richest 20 percent. The most impoverished – usually rural – areas have few or no health-care facilities and few means of transporting people for medical assistance. Even when health care facilities are available in rural areas, they are usually under-equipped.
Through Act Now's global network of health professionals, we work in partnership with local and community based organizations (CBOs) to improve the quality, availability, and use of specialized health practices and services. We use volunteer doctors and nurses to perform basic physical assessments, to provide health education and awareness, to diagnose illnesses, and to provide proper medication and treatment. Act Now also assists local facilities by assessing their capabilities and making donations of medical supplies and equipment to fill critical needs.
Poverty further threatens childhood by exposing millions of children to diseases that could be easily prevented or cured through inexpensive medicines and vaccines. In South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, one in four children either does not receive any of the six principal immunizations. The number of children under the age of five who could be saved each year through routine immunization with commonplace vaccines is estimated to be approximately 2.2 million. Act Now is committed to working with community based organizations to establish immunization programs and to provide education and awareness training on the importance of immunizing infants to try and combat this senseless loss of young lives.
Act Now is also dedicated to addressing the significant threat to the world’s children posed by the challenges of surviving landmine injuries. According to UNICEF, fewer than 10 per cent of landmine victims have access to appropriate medical care and rehabilitation services. Children who manage to survive explosions are likely to be more seriously injured than adults, and often permanently disabled. Because a child's bones grow faster than the surrounding tissue, a wound may require repeated amputation and a new artificial limb as often as every six months — although the prosthesis is not likely to be available. Moreover, competing demands for scarce medical services also mean that children injured by mines seldom receive the care they deserve. Again, Act Now works with both community organizations and volunteer medical professionals to ensure that children who have been impacted by landmine injuries receive the care they need to overcome their injuries and the chance
When hunger strikes a community, it is often the children who are most affected. Even beyond the developmental impacts of malnutrition, lack of food initiates a self perpetuating cycle of poverty.
Children are forced out of school and into income-producing responsibilities that guarantee they will never be able to break out of poverty and secure a meaningful future.
ActNow focuses on one of the most basic food products, milk, not only because it is key to child bone development, but also because consumption of unprocessed milk (common in poverty stricken areas) has been linked to the spread of such zoonotic diseases as Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, and Brucellosis.
Act Now envisions a major capability expansion in this area. We plan to add powdered baby formula and soy-based baby formula to our support portfolio. If you have capabilities in these areas and think that a partnership with us would be mutually beneficial, please let us know.
Act Now responds to any emergency that puts the survival, protection, and well-being of significant numbers of children at risk. Where addressing the needs of those children is beyond the local coping capacity, Act Now is able to mobilize the financial and human resources to take urgent action.
Our biggest effort in this area to date was our response to the 2004, Asian Tsunami. The toll this disaster took on children may never be truly known, but it is estimated that close to 1.5 million
children across the region were either orphaned, injured or traumatized. Approximately 35,000 of those children were in the Aceh province of Indonesia which was close to the epicenter of the quake. It was there that Act Now focused relief efforts. Throughout 2005, Act Now shipped critical relief supplies including bottled water, ponchos, and bottles of shelf milk. By the end of the year, the total number of units shipped totaled nearly a million. Act Now remains committed to helping children who are victims of natural disasters and would like to establish additional partnerships with anyone who can help fill the critical needs of children in times of crisis.
Education is considered the back bone for the development of any country and is a basic right for
all children. Act Now focuses on education programs for children worldwide in many different ways.
For example, Act Now has provided funding for a large library, an HIV awareness centre and various
educational materials to enhance the learning process.
Act Now also coordinates with local organizations in remote areas to provide education to the
children and coordinates education standards for communities. For example, In Bangladesh, Act Now
joined with a local organization to build a school for under privileged and even homeless children.
Act Now’s goal is to provide a central location for all children to attend school. We believe
educated children enhance the literacy level of all nations.
The Consultancy for Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR) will handle Act Now Children’s Fund’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Management Consulting Services. CCSR works with organizations, NGOs, businesses, and individuals to design and implement CSR initiatives that promote sustainability and business growth in a variety of industries.
CCSR is a management consultancy that works with clients from the private and non-profit sectors around the globe. CCSR provides a wide range of services that support CSR related marketing, philanthropic, and development initiatives.
Such services include:
- NGO Management Consulting:
- CSR Strategy and Consultation
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Public Relation and Marketing Campaigns
- Partner Selection and Stakeholder Management
- Project Evaluation and Monitoring Services
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable — to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. By incorporating CSR into their business model, companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society including economic, social, and environmental. At CCSR, we believe we can help our clients adapt CSR best practices that will promote sustainability while also increasing profitability.