CSR Consulting
Act Now CSR has spent the last decade building a network of respected partner organizations that include NGOs, corporations, and high-wealth individuals. Our stakeholder facilitation services help organizations make critical decisions related to sustainability strategy, the environmental and social impact of operations, and sustainability-related growth and cost opportunities. Our team of experts will work closely with your organization to ensure your sustainability efforts are anchored in business fundamentals that demonstrate a clear return on investment.
Act Now will work with your organization to design and implement a CSR strategy that fits your investment and philanthropic needs and goals. We will focus on the Integration of CSR and governance policies to enhance sustainable growth, reduce reputation risk, and generate economic value.
Act Now CSR is taking over 10 years of industry-leading expertise in the CSR field and expanding into the European market. Act Now CSR Europe will grow the Act Now brand of delivering bespoke CSR strategies to the growing pharmaceutical, IT, energy, and consumer markets and industries in the European Union. By opening an office in Europe, Act Now will further their commitment to providing critical sustainability to underserved communities throughout the world.

Is CSR Worth it?

Corporate social responsibility is defined as a method of running a business that not only seeks to maximize profitability but also tries to employ solutions to address the social and environmental consequences of the business. Its concept has become widely popular to a point that it has earned its own acronym in the corporate world, which is CSR. Generally, this business model entails that a company should be accountable to a society or community and shareholders that are affected by its actions and operations. When such a policy is adopted by a company, it aims to demonstrate an objective to uphold ethical values and the practice of respecting communities, people, and the environment, where the organization is required to monitor its compliance with the stated policies in CSR and to report this with the same frequency as to how often it accounts its financial reports. Corporate social responsibility comes in many forms. Even the smallest company impacts social change e.g.by making a simple donation to a local food bank. Some of the most common examples of CSR include:
• Reducing carbon footprints
• Improving labor policies
• Participating in fair-trade
• Charitable giving
• Volunteering in the community
• Corporate policies that benefit the environment
• Socially and environmentally conscious investments
Some of the most popular CSR trends in the area of corporate social responsibility include increased transparency, investment in green technologies, local community, employee engagement, and diversity and inclusion initiatives. During recent decades, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has grown at an explosive rate, and global CSR frameworks have proliferated.