On September 28-30, 2020, we visited and distribute our supplies to students in 11 schools at Nakhon Ratchasima province which is one of the northeast provinces of Thailand. After we had assessed total 11 schools in 4 districts, which are included Pakchong, Kham Thale So, Dankhuntod and Sung-neon. Most of students were from poor family and live with grandparents because their parents migrated to other provinces for working and the other problem was divorce. We found out that each school had various problems but the most needed were education, nutrition, and hygiene supply such as sports equipment, sports uniform, or even food tray. And some schools had the problem about the construction like toilet and toothbrush area that was not enough for students and dilapidated. Furthermore, some school lack of materials for preventing the covid-19 virus such as alcohol gel and soap cleaning.
So, we decided to support them for education that important for their physical and mental development such as educational games, Instruction media, the budget for playground renovation, and the multipurpose ground, etc. For hygiene, we provided them alcohol gel, the water storage tanks that vital during the drought period, water purifier, etc. Moreover, we supported them for the budget for toilet construction, water system construction, and toothbrush renovation for students for good hygiene. The number of children of our assistance in this project reached to 1,660 students. We are delighted to be part of their happiness. We hope that our supported would be useful for them to have a better quality of life and we are looking forward to visit them the next time.